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Pricing and Policies


Contact us for the specific details related to these programs and others. Please call us at 228.2800.

Private Lessons(up to two people).:

$90 per private lesson.

$240 for 3 private lessons in a month.

Group Classes:

$15 per person for one 50 minute group class.

$240 for 3 private lessons for the month!

Wedding Couple:

One free private lesson.(must be 6 weeks before your date!)


Class Policy:
All group classes are 50 minutes long. Private lessons are 50 minutes long. Instructor assignments may be subject to change.

Make-up Policy:
A make-up class is not guaranteed. However, if you are unable to attend a regularly scheduled class because of an emergency, you can make up that class any Thursday evening during your course. Make ups must be taken before the end of the current four week period, or they will be lost. Contact your group leader or studio management for more information.

Cancellation Policy:
A minimum of 12 hours is required for cancellation of a private lesson.

Payment Policy :
All tuitions are final. Payments for services may be made in cash, by check, or with MasterCard, or VISA. Gift Certificates are available for all Sessions. There are no Cash, Check, or Credit Card Refunds allowed. There is a $20 charge for returned checks.

Registration Policy :
All registrations are final. All classes must be taken during the month registered. Carry overs may be done under extraordinary circumstances and with the approval of studio management. There are no refunds. To receive credit, a written request must be received at least 1-day before the term begins. After that, credit will not be granted. The only exception is a valid medical excuse. Credits are good for one year from the date issued.

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Instructor-student ratio:
While we strive to do our best, we cannot guarantee an equal balance of leaders and followers, early registrations allow us the opportunity to plan accordingly.

Late Enrollment:
To provide the best possible learning environment, as a rule, students are not permitted to begin a class later than the second week of a term.

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